Cookie Usage Principles


Our website uses cookies.

The principles of cookie usage have been prepared based on the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and regulate the use of cookies on the Hoster Expert website.

The website uses cookies and other similar technologies. We ask for your separate consent to use these cookies, which are not strictly necessary for the functioning of the website and the provision of services you have chosen.

Please familiarize yourself with our descriptions and principles of cookie usage.

Cookie Usage Policy

Your privacy is very important to us, and we use our best knowledge and skills to ensure the security of your data on the Internet. Hoster Expert continuously pays attention to ensuring the security and confidentiality of the solutions offered to customers.

You can change your cookie settings at any time on your phone or browser settings. To remove cookies already stored on your device, you may need to change your browser settings or delete cookies manually. We will discuss in more detail how to do this below.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a compact text file that the browser saves on your device when you visit a website. Within the scope of this policy, we also refer to other similar technical tools and programs as cookies, which collect and store information from the browser and, in some cases, transmit data to third parties. Examples of such technical solutions and tools include tracking pixels, local storage, session recording, and browser [usage] history.

Cookie files collect information about the use of the website and store data on your device to help you log in to the website, remember the contents of your selected shopping cart, monitor and analyze your visits to our website, and user behavior on the Internet in general. This is necessary for the operation of our website and to increase its efficiency.

Cookies help to:

  • operate the website according to your expectations
  • avoid the need to log in multiple times during a single session
  • remember your settings
  • improve the speed and security of our website
  • more easily share our website content on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • personalize the page when logging in and find information more quickly
  • plan website improvements and developments

On the website, for your “remembering” and “identifying” purposes, three types of cookies may be stored on your device:


Session cookies

Session cookies or temporary cookies are stored on your device while using the browser. When you close the browser tab, the corresponding session ends.

Session cookies have a limited validity period, which may vary in length. You can always delete the stored cookies from your browser.

Cookies can always be deleted from your browser settings.


Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies remain on your device even when you are not using the browser. They allow you to remember your settings, preferences, or actions on the website (sometimes across multiple pages). Persistent cookies are stored on your device until you delete them yourself. This also applies to local storage.

Third-party cookies

The website contains both cookies installed for Hoster Expert and third-party cookies installed by other companies besides Hoster Expert. Such companies may include Hoster Expert’s partners who place cookies using a different domain. This is possible when the website contains elements from other domains, such as images, social media modules, or marketing materials.

Third-party cookies can be used by multiple websites simultaneously. They help to understand and track your movements between different websites. Hoster Expert and third parties have access to the data of these cookies, which third parties may use for their purposes. Privacy policies apply to third-party cookies placed on our website.

Please familiarize yourself with these policies to find out for what purposes third parties may use the collected information.

Cookies on our website

To simplify control over what active cookies can be found on our website and how to configure them, we have divided the cookies used on our website into three categories – necessary, analytical, and marketing cookies. The category defines the purposes of information collection. Below we introduce all the mentioned categories and their purposes of use.

Among the three distinguished categories of cookies, there may be those that transmit data to third parties, meaning service providers who are not associated with Hoster Expert.

Necessary cookies

These files are necessary to ensure the security and proper functioning of our website. Necessary cookies provide a comfortable use of the website and the provision of services you need. These cookies ensure the reliability of the website’s basic functions. For example, they identify you when you log in to the Hoster Expert self-service portal, register failed login attempts, remember at which stage you interrupted the purchase process, and what products you have added to the cart.


Analytical and statistical cookies

These cookies provide us with information about how you use our website; the data collected helps us improve the overall user experience.

Marketing cookies

These cookies help us and our partners show you customized advertising based on your behavior on the website, which is then displayed on other visited resources. This category of cookies is used for targeted marketing and user profiling regardless of the device used. If you agree to provide information about your activities for use in online marketing purposes, including Hoster Expert, we can take into account the data obtained from targeted marketing and profiling along with information about your customer and internet behavior.

Managing cookies

If you do not change the cookie usage consent settings yourself, they will be valid for 12 months, after which we will ask for your permission again. The validity of some cookies may be over 12 months, making it necessary to change browser settings and manually delete all cookies.

Information on how to control browser cookie usage can be found on the respective browser developer’s website.

Links to manage cookies in popular browsers can be found here:

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Internet Explorer


Apple Safari


“Do Not Track” feature

If you enable the “Do Not Track” feature in your browser, the automatic installation of marketing cookies on your device will be stopped. You can set the remaining settings in the cookie settings section in the browser.

Consequences of blocking cookies

If you disable all cookies in your browser settings, it may affect the functionality and performance of our website on your device, as some features directly depend on the data collected by cookies. Blocking cookies may cause errors in the operation of services provided through the website, and some features may become inaccessible.

Additional information

Hoster Expert pays special attention to your privacy. Please review our privacy policy to learn more about the rights of data subjects and the principles of personal data processing in Hoster Expert. In case of questions or problems, please contact us at

Hoster Expert’s cookie usage policy may change over time. Always monitor the up-to-date information available on our website to stay informed about the latest changes and follow the rules for using cookies. This way, you can best control your privacy and personal data protection online.